dry building mixes, porous building solution, technological factors of preparation, parameters of mixing, water-cement ratio, additive, cement/filler ratioAbstract
Dry building mixtures - modern composite building material, which in recent decades has gained wide demand due to its high technological qualities. The advantage of dry building mixtures is the ability to develop a variety of composition for certain types of work, as well as the possibility of using a wide raw material base. The urgent issue is the development of dry building mixtures with improved heat and sound insulation properties for floors of civil buildings and technology of making lightweight construction solutions with a stable porous structure. Perspective is the production of porous dry building mixtures using local raw material base and industrial waste.
An importante issue for porous mixes is a maintenance of a stable porous structure and strength of solution, eliminate of the shrinkage phenomena on the initial phases of hardning and cracking during the subsequent set of strength.
Also, one of the main requirements for dry building mixes for floor instalation are high mobility and pourability with saving of high strength.
Alot of technological factors are influences for a formation procces of stable porous structure, and researching of them is the goal of this work.
Technological factors that are impact for the production of high quality porous building solutions that are based on dry building mixtures are investigated in this article.
It was revealed that the water-cement ratio of the mortar mixtures, the content of the additive-porosity, the ratio of cement and filler, the content of plasticizers and granulometry of the fillers are having the significants influence of obtaining a stable porous structure.
During experimental studies was found that the strength of porous solutions is also affected with time and speed of mixing, which depends on the amount of air absorbed by the porous distribution in the mixture layer.
Was analyzed the complex influence of cement cost, an active mineral fillers and polymeric additives with specified mortar mobility on the properties of porous solutions that are based on dry building mixes.
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