ash, thermal, waste, additives, construction materialsAbstract
Schemes analyzed TPP ash formation their classification and basic properties. The chemical composition of the ash Ladyzhynskaya TPP, as well as the proportion of ash processing in countries of the world for 2013. With the increase in the average capacity of power plants and an increase in the use of coal with a lot of impurities and non-combustible shale sharply increased volumes of ash , which covers an area of 400-800 hectares. At each station, resulting in many cases in the loss of valuable agricultural land. Also causes harm groundwater contamination and air basins cities and towns. Despite the transition to modern thermal waste-free gas production, the problem of waste heat energy still is very serious. In this regard, it was considered existing technologies using fly ash, depending on the chemical composition of solid waste, adapting these technologies to the conditions of thermal power plants in Ukraine. The possibility of using fly ash in modern building materials.
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