City structure, functioning, spatial interaction, territory, infrastructure.Abstract
The article examines the issues of structural and planning formation and development of urban agglomerations in new territorial and economic conditions. Taking into account the trends and forecasting the development of these changes is the main urban planning prerequisite for the formation of the planning foundations of a large city and the group system as a whole. Improvement of the functional and planning structure of large and largest cities is connected with the transition from extensive to intensive factors of their development. On this basis, the negative characteristics of the planning structure of large cities, which inhibit their effective development, must be overcome.
Expanded territories of cities, overdensification of their central areas, difficulties in transport connections, separation from the natural environment, and excessive concentration of the urban population are exacerbated by the discrepancy between the principles of the formation of the planning structure, designed for the limited scope of functions, connections and sizes of territories, and new conditions of development associated with with the sharply growing socio-economic needs of the development of populated cities, the interaction between them, the concentration of production, the improvement of transport equipment and other factors that involve the sphere of action of intensive urban processes, large areas that gravitate towards the city.
The existing nature of the functioning of large cities and their zones of influence leads to the growth of centripetal tendencies, which are formed, on the one hand, on the scale of the city itself, on the other - on the scale of zones that gravitate towards it. The density of objects in the central part of a large city, adjacent to it, increases, the density and volumes of center-forming functions, which attract significant contingents of the population, increase, as a result of the inertia of the build-up of previously created infrastructures.
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