


construction, waste, dry construction mixtures, secondary waste, solutions, concrete, reuse, resource conservation,, environmental friendliness


The work considers the actual problem of creating effective dry construction mixes (DBC) for a wide range of construction works, in particular for external and internal plaster coatings. The main attention is paid to the study of the effect of finely dispersed mineral additives, such as diatomite, white carbon black (amorphous microsilica) and limestone powder, on the physical and mechanical properties of SBS. In the study, two working compositions of SBS based on cement binder with different types of sand were used: quartz, polymict, and screening of crushed limestone.

The results of experimental studies showed that the introduction of Tylose cellulose esters significantly increases the water-holding capacity of mortar mixtures to 99.4-99.7%. However, despite the increase in water holding capacity, these mixtures do not reach the required strength for the grade above M100 without increasing the amount of binding material. At the same time, the introduction of C-3 superplasticizer effectively reduces the water-cement ratio (W/C), which helps to increase the strength of the hardened solution and allows to achieve the required strength indicators even for the M150 grade.

Active mineral additives, such as finely ground limestone, stabilize the cement paste and help reduce delamination of the mixture. Additive grains fill the spaces between cement grains, increasing the packing density of solid components and, thus, improving the structuring of artificial stone. This helps to increase the strength and reduce the shrinkage of solutions.

It is also important that the use of local raw materials, such as waste from stone mining and sandstone processing, allows to significantly reduce the cost of production of dry building mixes. The use of these materials provides not only economic benefits, but also helps reduce the environmental burden due to waste disposal.

The results of the study confirm the perspective of using carbonate finely dispersed mineral additives as part of dry construction mixtures, which allows to improve their physical, mechanical and technological properties. This opens up new opportunities for creating effective building materials that meet modern requirements of quality and economic efficiency.

Author Biographies

Alona Bondar, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Construction, Urban Economy and Architecture

Oleksandr Khristych, Vinnytsia National Technical University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Construction, Urban Economy and Architecture

Oleksandr Bondar, Vinnytsia National Technical University

postgraduate student of the Department of Construction, Urban Management and Architecture

Ivan Safronenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

student of the BM-21b group of the Department of Construction, Urban Economy and Architecture


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How to Cite

A. Bondar, O. Khristych, O. Bondar, and I. Safronenko, “PROSPECTS OF USE OF SECONDARY WASTE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN THE PRODUCTION OF DRY BUILDING MIXTURES”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 64–70, Aug. 2024.






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