
  • Viktor Kovalskiy Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Vitalii Tymoshenko Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Pavlo S. Bodnar BM-BUD LLC, Vyshneve
  • Mykhailo D. Bondar Vinnytsia National Technical University



ash, TPP, waste, impurities, building materials


An overview of modern research and experience in the use of fly ash in construction is carried out, examples of successful
cases of its application are given.
The prospects of using fly ash, which occurs during the burning of coal in thermal power plants, in construction were studied.
Fly ash, which is a byproduct of coal combustion, has great potential for reuse in the construction industry, which contributes to
reducing the environmental burden and increasing the efficiency of the production of construction materials.
The paper discusses in detail different methods of fly ash activation, such as mechanical, chemical and thermal activation, as
well as combined approaches that combine these methods to achieve optimal results. Mechanical activation involves increasing
the specific surface area of ash by grinding it, which helps to increase its reactivity. Chemical activation involves the use of various chemical reagents to increase the activity of ash, and thermal activation is based on increasing the solubility of silica and alumina with increasing temperature.
Particular attention is paid to the use of nanomaterials, such as nanosilica, nanotitanium and nanoalumina, which can
significantly improve the properties of construction mixtures. Nanomaterials help increase strength, reduce porosity and improve water resistance of mixtures. The use of polymer additives, such as polyvinyl acetate, latexes and polyethylene glycol, which increase the adhesion, elasticity and water resistance of building materials, is also considered.
The influence of ash on the strength of building materials, as well as their resistance to aggressive factors, is considered. In
addition, the impact of using ash on the energy efficiency of building materials and reducing carbon dioxide emissions is
The development of new formulations of construction mixtures using fly ash helps to increase their strength, durability and
environmental safety. The article gives examples of the practical application of such mixtures, in particular, in self-leveling screeds for floors, plaster and putty mixtures, adhesive mixtures for tiles and waterproofing materials. Key benefits of these innovative solutions are highlighted, including lower production costs, improved material performance and reduced environmental impact.
The research results show that the use of fly ash in construction has great potential. It allows to reduce the use of primary
materials, improve the quality of construction materials and reduce the negative impact of the construction industry on the
The article emphasizes the importance of using fly ash and innovative additives for the sustainable development of the
construction industry and suggests promising directions for further research in this field.

Author Biographies

Viktor Kovalskiy, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Urbanism and Architecture

Vitalii Tymoshenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Master of department construction, urban and architectural

Pavlo S. Bodnar, BM-BUD LLC, Vyshneve

PhD in Engineering, Director

Mykhailo D. Bondar, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering


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How to Cite

V. Kovalskiy, V. Tymoshenko, P. S. Bodnar, and M. D. Bondar, “INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN THE PRODUCTION OF DRY CONSTRUCTION MIXTURES BASED ON TPP FLY ASH”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 52–57, Aug. 2024.






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