mine closure, renewable energy, post-mining, management decisionsAbstract
Germany has come a long way, from the collapse of the economy after the Second World War, the gradual reconstruction, the energy crisis in the 60s of the last century, the abandonment of subsidized mines and the cessation of coal production in 2018 to the complete transformation into the innovation hub of Germany.
Structural changes in the German mining industry refers to the change of the German mining industry from the production of coal and ore to a more diverse economic structure. The structural changes in the mining industry are the result of moving away from fossil fuels and increasing demand for renewable energy sources and clean energy production.
The closure of the mines had a significant social and economic impact, especially on the Ruhr and Saar regions. Many miners lost their jobs, and the closure also affected the subcontracting industry and the region’s economy. However, structural changes have also included measures to help affected workers and regions, including retraining and upskilling programs, as well as infrastructure investment and increased use of renewable energy sources.
The closure of the mines marked an important step in Germany’s restructuring and was part of Germany’s overall plan to transition to renewable energy and clean energy production. The closure of the mines took place in several stages, which were part of a comprehensive concept of phasing out hard coal mining in Germany.
Overall, the closure of the German mines was a long and painful process that caused many problems. At the same time, it was a necessary step in the process of structural changes in Germany and an important contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions and climate protection. These problems were solved by creating special programs and projects that helped former miners find new jobs and supported their transition to new employment opportunities.
After the victory, we must rebuild Ukraine, and the acquired experience of international partners must be useful for the restoration of the destroyed or damaged infrastructure and territories of Ukraine as a whole. That is why, despite very difficult times for Ukraine, it is necessary to think about the future already today.
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