



dynamics, waste production, construction and demolition waste, industrial solid waste, regression analysis


Construction and demolition waste can be widely used in construction to obtain such valuable materials: as a filler and binder for the production of concrete, dry building mixes and other building materials, for the production of building materials with protective properties against electromagnetic radiation and static of electricity, for the manufacture of anode earthing devices, etc. Therefore, the determination of the regression dependence describing the dynamics of production volumes of construction and demolition waste in the city of Kyiv to solve the problem of solid industrial waste management is an urgent scientific and technical task. The purpose of the study is to determine with the help of regression analysis of dependence, which describes the dynamics of production volumes of construction and demolition waste in the city of Kyiv to solve the problem of solid industrial waste management. During the study, the method of regression analysis of the results of one-factor experiments and other paired dependencies was used, with the selection of the best type of function from the 16 most common options according to the criterion of the maximum correlation coefficient. The regression was carried out on the basis of linear transformations, which allow to reduce the non-linear dependence to a linear one. The coefficients of the regression equation were determined by the method of least squares using the developed computer program "RegAnalyz", which is protected by a certificate of copyright registration of the work. An adequate regression dependence describing the dynamics of construction and demolition waste generation in the Vinnytsia region was obtained. A graphical dependence was constructed that describes the dynamics of production volumes of construction and demolition waste in the city of Kyiv and allows to visually illustrate this dynamic, to show a sufficient convergence of theoretical and actual results. It was established that in the city of Kyiv during 2015-2019, the mass production of construction and demolition waste grew exponentially.

Author Biographies

Oleg V. Bereziuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doct. Sc. (Eng.), Associated Professor, Professor of the Department Security of Life and Pedagogic of Security

Mykhailo S. Lemeshev, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Department of Construction, Urban Economy and Architecture

Vitalii Shyrobokov, MB-BUD LLC



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How to Cite

O. V. Bereziuk, M. S. Lemeshev, and V. Shyrobokov, “DYNAMICS OF THE PRODUCTION VOLUME OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE IN THE CITY OF KIEV”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 57–62, Aug. 2023.






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