operation,, survey,, BIM technologies, BIM levels, information model (6D BIM), digital databaseAbstract
Abstract Literary sources have been elaborated, which reveal the main topics of the discussed questions regarding the implementation of safe operation and due to which it is possible to increase the life span of buildings or structures. Literary sources on the implementation and implementation of ВIM technologies on the territory of Ukraine, ensuring reliable maintenance of buildings during the period of operation have been elaborated. Familiarity with the capabilities of application software for information control and support during all stages of the life cycle to preserve the durability of the building was conducted. Data on the period of normal operation of some of the structural elements (sewer pipes, water pipes, etc.) were processed for maintenance or replacement planning. The main factors in the operation of buildings and structures are considered: climatic characteristics, location, load and influences, which in turn have a direct impact on the service life and technical characteristics, as well as the number and frequency of planned works or repairs to maintain the normal technical condition of the building . Work was carried out on the analysis of existing practices for assessing the technical characteristics of buildings and structures, estimated determinations of residual operational resources, technical characteristics and periods of trouble-free operation. Inspection and assessment of the technical condition, causes of problems and detection of defects, announcement of possible remedial measures. It has been analyzed how important digital information is and the presentation of such data in a centralized system. One database will greatly facilitate the processes of information collection, speed up support during maintenance. All processes will improve thanks to the ability to quickly receive the necessary information for further analysis and monitoring of the object's functioning, decision-making, planning, etc. The advantages and disadvantages of the approaches were studied and a conclusion was drawn.
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