current problems and trends in the development of architecture of urban construction, construction problems, BIM technology, promising ways to solve the problem, objective assessment, architecture as an art formAbstract
Of all the problems that exist today in the construction industry, the current problems of research in the field of architecture and urban planning, information modeling technology should pay special attention to the problems of modern design of urban construction. After all, few novice builders know about the design of buildings on the master plans of settlements on historical and architectural reference plans, as well as on zoning plans and on the most detailed plans of territories, which are strictly prohibited. Information assessment of the harmony of architectural form in the future can be used to formalize such aesthetic characteristics as scale, dynamism, rhythm and so on. The information method can become a reliable tool for harmonizing the entire architectural environment. Summarizing the above, the following ways of solving problematic issues related to the issuance of urban conditions and restrictions are suggested.
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