


industrial waste; building materials; complex binder


The aggravation of the economic and environmental situation in Ukraine necessitates the development of new efficient technologies for the processing and use of industrial technogenic waste from the thermal power and chemical industries. Such technologies should ensure the maximum degree of use in the production of high-quality efficient building products. The choice of technology for the preparation, processing and use of industrial waste depends on the chemical, mineralogical, granulometric composition and method of production. Despite the fact that such wastes are used mainly as inert fillers, their overall use remains low. The share of their use in the manufacture of building products is 5-12%, at the same time, the manufacture of building products requires additional energy costs.

Many industrial and municipal wastes, which are of great practical interest, remain insufficiently demanded for various reasons. In this regard, the popularization of the likely directions for the introduction of industrial waste and the effect achieved in this case is of fundamental importance. One of the main industries for the integrated use of waste is the industry of building materials, where this raw material can act as the basis for the creation of new highly efficient materials. Predicting the properties of such materials is a rather difficult task, the solution of which can be achieved through the formation of a systematic approach to determining quality indicators, as well as predicting and regulating the properties of materials depending on the goals and objectives solved by builders and technologists in the manufacture of building products.

Author Biographies

Oleg Berezyuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D., professor of the Department of Life Safety and Safety Pedagogy

Mikhail Lemeshev, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D., associate professor of urban planning and architecture

Kateryna Sivak, Vinnytsia National Technical University

postgraduate student

Maksym Stadniychuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

postgraduate student

Roman Sivak, Vinnytsia National Technical University

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

O. Berezyuk, M. Lemeshev, K. Sivak, M. Stadniychuk, and R. Sivak, “PROSPECTS FOR THE USE OF MAN-MADE RAW MATERIALS IN THE PRODUCTION OF COMPOSITE BINDERS VINNYTSIA NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY ”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 36–45, Mar. 2023.






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