module, educational element, methodology, modular unit, tower crane, cargo - gripping equipment, slingingAbstract
The modular technology of writing a study guide involves the modular construction of educational material and its assimilation through consistent and thorough processing of educational modules, learning motivation based on the study of goals, a significant amount of independent work of the student, and various forms of diagnostics of the level of his knowledge. The essence of modular training is that the student’s self-education takes place under the guidance of the teacher, with the help of modular learning technology, the learning process is transformed so that the student independently or partially studies according to the target program The manual briefly describes the educational material of the discipline, which is divided into modules and educational elements, questions and exercises for self-control from each element. This makes it possible to obtain general information about specific mechanisms, as well as to acquire the skills of solving mechanization problems and choosing the parameters of mechanisms and machines when studying the Construction Technology course.
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