structural solutions, BIM, Autodesk Revit, LOD, 3D coordinationAbstract
The paper presents the results of the analysis of the work principles of engineers and managers in the design of sections with structural solutions during BIM modeling. This approach contains fundamental differences compared to traditional organization schemes of work of project departments. These differences are related to the need to control and coordinate the work of specialists with large facilities; requirements of the construction customer in the visualization of all the life cycles of a building; opportunities for quick verification and flexibility of decisions during the design process; operational awareness of all project participants with the changes and meet all the requirements of digital transformation from project documentation on paper to a complete virtual model of the object in computer memory.
Based on the practical experience and as a result of analytical review of literature sources, authors created the requirements for information models of the construction part of the project, developed in Autodesk Revit and defined general approaches to the division of models depending on the scope of the project and project sections. Were formed LOD conformity matrices for sections of building structures. Also were presented algorithms of processes of development of model of one section of the project in Autodesk Revit from creation of an initial file to coordination of decisions, 3D-coordination and release of documentation. Were defined the main checks performed by the project participants, presented periodicity and the algorithms of the processes of checking the model and spatial coordination of one section of the project in Autodesk Revit.
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V. M. Andrukhov ta V. V. Matviichuk, «Alhorytmizatsiia mizhdystsyplinarnoi koordynatsii rozdiliv proektuvannia v Autodesk Navisworks Manage», «Suchasni tekhnolohii, materialy i konstruktsii v budivnytstvi», st. 88-95. 2019
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