


Bonded thermal insulation systems, modeling, optimization, warming, high-rise buildings


The article presents ways to choose effective structural and technological solutions for fastened thermal insulation systems of complex forms of facades based on the simulation of heat fields and flows through the use of the SolidWorks Simulation Xpress software package. Determination of the optimal parameters of thermal insulation at the design stage will allow us to get rid of the negative effects of cold bridges at the junctions of the balconies, and reduce the cost of installing bonded thermal insulation of facades with complex shapes.

It was found that it is most effective to insulate not the entire contour of the balcony slab, as required by regulatory documentation, but rather the size of the insulation from the wall outside equal to 750 mm with a thickness of insulation on top of the slab of 30 mm, and on the bottom of the slab - 50 mm. It is economically feasible to use such a warming technology for modern multi-storey buildings with non-standard volumetric-architectural solutions that are built according to frame-stone, frame-monolithic or monolithic schemes without thermal break between the balcony slab and the monolithic floor slab with open types of balconies and bay windows or not closed loggias .

Author Biographies

Boris A. Afanasyev

Member of the Association of Energy Auditors of Ukraine, qualified energy auditor

Igor N. Babij, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa

PhD, Аssociate professor of the Department of Technology of Building Production

Oleksandr O. Borisov, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa

Ph.D., assistant professor of Department of Technology of building production

Lily V. Kucherenko, Vinnitsa Technical University

PhD, Аssociate professor of the Department of Building, Urban and Architecture

Nikolay V. Khlytsov, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa

PhD, Аssociate professor, head of Department of the Processes and Devices in Production Engineering of Building Materials Department


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Abstract views: 70



How to Cite

B. A. Afanasyev, I. N. Babij, O. O. Borisov, L. V. Kucherenko, and N. V. Khlytsov, “MODELING OF THE WARMING TECHNOLOGY OF THE BUILDING PROJECT WITH COMPLEX FORMS OF FACADES”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 11–17, Dec. 2020.






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