



electromagnetic radiation, composite material, fine-grained concrete, radioprotective materials, shielding of electromagnetic radiation


Among the modern variety of harmful anthropogenic factors that pollute the environment, special attention is drawn - electromagnetic pollution. The danger of spreading the negative effects of electromagnetic fields on the environment is explained by the rapid dynamics of development and use of modern electronic technologies and radio-electronic systems, which are the property of economically developed countries and are dictated by the communication needs of society. The progressive rates of unregulated growth of levels of electromagnetic pollution in cities, industrial centers and metropolitan areas are caused by a sharp increase in the number of radio and television stations, expansion of the network of high-voltage transmission lines, the increase of coverage areas by mobile and radio telephony equipment, radioelectronic equipment devices and technologies in all industries, as well as in domestic conditions.

Shielding and radio absorbing materials are used to protect biological objects from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMF) in the radio frequency range. As shielding materials, conductive materials (metal sheets and nets) have become most widely used. However, shielding such materials of biological and technical objects raises a number of problems related to the deterioration of human health and the quality of operation of radio-electronic means due to the shielding of the Earth's natural field metal. The use of metal screens for barrier protection against electromagnetic effects can also lead to an increase in the electromagnetic field in the shielding volume due to resonance phenomena.

Global experience in protecting the environment from the harmful effects of EMR shows that barrier screens use special materials (radio-concrete, ceramics, bricks, etc.) that are more acceptable for biological protection from an electrophysical and hygienic point of view. Such materials belong to the class of composite materials. They occupy an intermediate value of conductivity between the dielectric and the metal and can be characterized as semiconductor materials.

Vinnitsa National Technical University scientists are actively conducting applied research on the creation of new effective special purpose building materials. One of these composite materials is fine-grained concrete with metal aggregates. Among the complex structural and operational properties of such a material is the ability to attenuate harmful electromagnetic effects on the environment.

Author Biographies

Mikhail Lemyshev, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair Security of Life and Safety Pedagogic

Oleksandr Khrystych, Vinnytsia National Technical University

associate professor

Dmytro Cherepakha, Vinnytsia National Technical University



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How to Cite

M. Lemyshev, O. Khrystych, and D. Cherepakha, “RADIATION PROTECTION METAL-SATURATED CONCRETE OF POLYFUNCTIONAL PURPOSE”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 37–45, Dec. 2020.






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