construction organization, civil construction, shopping center, financing intensityAbstract
The article contains the results of experimental and statistical modeling of organizational and financial decisions for the shopping center construction on the example of “Gagarinn Plaza”. Analysis of information sources has shown that housing construction conditions are extremely variable, so it is important to study the impact of organizational and financial decisions changes on key indicators, primarily on the funding intensity. The was developed the method of experimental and statistical modeling of organizational and financial solutions for the residential construction with the use of modern project management software. The reliable models of the housing construction process were constructed by organizational modeling in the MS Project program and economical mathematical modeling in the MS Excel package. The experiment plan has been developed and the variants of solutions, appropriate to it, were simulated. The values of the financing intensity of the construction project was fixed according to the experiment plan. The second degree polynomial model was chosen for further research, which corresponds to the plan of experiments. On this basis, experimental-statistical model of the indicator`s change from the variables was constructed: financial decisions (own funds, credit funds, leasing funds), organizational solutions (number of working hours per week, coefficient of work alignment). Models of indicators changes were presented in graphical form. There were found limits of the studied indicators variation and their extreme values in the region of the considered factor space. The influence of financing conditions and organizational regimes on the financing intensity of the construction project was analyzed. There was developed the research methodology that allows managing the organization of construction of similar objects according to the criterion of financing intensity.
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