shopping and entertainment center, alternative energy sources, solar power, solar panels,Abstract
In Ukraine, the annual flow of solar radiation is on par with the countries that are actively using solar collectors today (Sweden, Germany, USA, etc.). The entire territory of Ukraine is suitable for the development of heat supply systems with the use of solar energy. The most promising regions of the country for the development of solar een-ruget is the Crimean peninsula and steppe Ukraine
Generation of electricity allows solving current energy saving issues. The roofs of shopping and entertainment centers, supermarkets, industrial premises, logistical complexes, railway stations, airports and other objects have a fairly large area, so they can be effectively used as a site for the installation of power plants on solar photovoltaic modules.
For the variant comparison two variants of modules, the first FER EnerGenie EG-SP-M300W-33V9A with the capacity of 300 W are selected. the second FEM Risen RSM72-6-330P TR1 with a power of 330 W.
The constructive scheme of using the area of the shopping center in the city of Irpin is proposed. The calculation of photovoltaic modules and the economic potential of a solar power station have been carried out. Estimated generation of the station is given during the year. The electricity produced by the photovoltaic station is economically profitable to sell to the state at a green tariff.
When designing a solar power station in the city of Irpin, one of the most important indicators, the angle of inclination of the modules is taken into account, which is established by a detailed analysis of the intensity of solar radiation during the year.
The analysis and calculations of the given data shows that the development of a set of constructive measures for the installation of SES of two variants on the roof of the shopping and entertainment center will enable to effectively use the roof area and it is economically advantageous to sell electricity to the general network under the "green" tariff, which will enable to pay SES (375 kW ) in the period up to 4,5 years, and SES (412 kW) in the period up to 3,2 years.
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