reinforced concrete constructions, leakage, injection solution, sealingAbstract
The most common damages to reinforced concrete horizontal structures are cracks in the lower (stretched) zone. The impact of an aggressive environment on the reinforcement through cracks can lead to its corrosion, disruption of adhesion to concrete and lower strength of reinforced concrete structures. To prevent the damaging effect of the external environment on the reinforcement of the structures, the cracks must be repaired. According to the recommendations of State Standards of Ukraine for Building (DSTU) Б В.3.1-2:2016 and European Standard EN 1504, repair of damages of reinforced concrete structures in the form of cracks can be done by way of injection or impregnation of repair compounds (mortars) into them.
In order to study the technology of repairing reinforced concrete structures by impregnation of injectable compounds into cracks, a series of experimental studies was scheduled and performed. Such experimental studies were aimed at revealing the ability to glue cracks in concrete with different width and depth using a composite material «Consolid 1» and specially designed "tray" as well as research on gluing concrete with reinforcement in case of violation of their adhesion.
The article describes the methodology of preparation and implementation of experimental tests and represents the results. For experimental research, concrete samples with artificially created cracks with a width of 0.05 mm to 0.8 mm and different depths were used.
According to the results of experimental studies, it was found that this technology is effective at crack widths of up to 0.5 mm. In this case, the concrete around the crack with a width of 0.05-0.2 mm is glued completely, with a width of 0.25-0.5 mm, is glued in the depth (at the top) of the crack. In some samples, in the case of repeated tensile strength test, there formed cracks parallel to the existing – glued cracks. The value of the repeatedly applied destructive effort ranged from 50 to 110% from the destructive force applied to the samples before the impregnation was made.
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