efficiency, thermal insulation shell of buildings, linguistic variables, fuzzy logic, inference treesAbstract
The existing systems of regulation, design and forecasting the energy efficiency of the building's insulation shell are analyzed.The classification of factors affecting the energy efficiency characteristics of the heat-insulating shell of residential buildings is carried out, it can be the basis of the methodology, which will take into account quantitative and qualitative indicators when assessing the heat-insulating shell of a building. It is determined that for constructing a diagnostic model it is possible to apply the theory of fuzzy sets, the apparatus of fuzzy logic and logical inference from fuzzy knowledge bases. The principles on which diagnostic models are built in construction using fuzzy logic are determined. The energy efficiency assessment of the heat-insulating shell of a building is presented through a linguistic variable. The formalization of linguistic variables and corresponding term sets, which can be used to assess the technical condition of the insulating shell. The hierarchical relationship between the state parameters and the technical state assessment of the heat-insulating shell is graphically represented in the form of a logical inference tree and mathematically described by a system of relations.
Pro enerhetychnu efektyvnistʹ budivelʹ: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 22.06.2017 № 2118-VIII URL https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2118-19
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